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Explore our Cancer Research Education and Training Resources.

MCC Internships

Interested in participating in cutting-edge cancer research? MCC accepts student volunteers. Click here to fill out an application.

Apply Now


An opportunity for trainees and junior faculty to network and ask questions about career paths, scientific progress, and learning healthcare organizational culture

This monthly program connects faculty and trainees in a lively, fast-paced environment. Discussions typically revolve around academic and career paths, scientific progress, and healthcare organizational culture. We encourage every faculty member to sign up for at least one session per year. All participating faculty receive one hour of certified mentorship credit.

Sign up now

available dates

Apr 14

May 12

Sep 8

Oct 13

Nov 10

Dec 8

Interested in learning more about mentorship, collaboration or training opportunities?

Contact Amy Spilkin, PhD

Community education

Community Educational talks

CRTEC provides cancer-related educational outreach to schools (K-12) and healthcare providers in our community.

Request Information

learn about our Clinical Trials

Moores Cancer Center offers many types of cancer-related clinical trials, testing novel drug treatments, surgical techniques, and more.

See All Clinical Trials

Community outreach and engagement

Our goal at Moores Cancer Center is to improve the health of our community with cancer and prevention and awareness programs.

Explore Programs



jim murphy, md, phd

Associate Professor and Co-Director, Center for Health Equity, Education and Research (CHEER)
Director, Radiation Oncology Residency Program

Assistant Vice-Chair, Education and Training
Associate Director, Training and Education
Co-Lead, CRTEC Program
Moores Cancer Center


richard m. cripps, d.phil.

Professor of Biology
Fred Henry Professor of Life Sciences

San Diego State University
Co-Lead, CRTEC Program
Moores Cancer Center