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Raw data will be analyzed using Bioconductor packages, www.bioconductor.org. Quality assessment will be performed looking at the interarray Pearson correlation and clustering based on top variant genes to assess overall data coherence. Contrast analysis of differential expression will be performed using the LIMMA package (Smyth et al, [2005]). After linear model fitting, a Bayesian estimate of differential expression will be calculated. Data analysis will be aimed at (1) identifying transcriptional changes in the treated compared to untreated tumors, and (2) the effect of drug treatment on gene expression abnormalities. The threshold for statistical significance will be set at p < 0.005. Gene ontology and functional pathway analysis will be carried out using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, www.ingenuity.com.
In addition, raw data files will be uploaded to an Acuity 4.0 relational database and data management platform for microarray data processing including quality control filtering based on signal threshold, signal-to-noise ratio, normalization, statistical analysis for significance and reproducibility of signal in replicates.
Bioinformatic analysis will also include gene centric (eg. unsupervised hierarchical clustering, supervised k-means clustering, principal components analysis (PCA) and significance analysis of microarrays (SAM). Functional annotation and biopathway analyses using Ingenuity, STEM, DAVID and network module centric analyses using WGCNA, Forest network and hub-genes network modules to identify groups of potentially co-regulated genes.